Rules of turning 7

This was possibly the first birthday for DS that he knew and was aware, that it was organized just for him, outside the home.

He wanted to have a laser tag event, and made his own list of friends he wanted to invite.

This was actually a birthday of mixed feelings for the little guy. He was turning 7.

Turning 7 in Singapore meant that you need to sleep by yourself, and you cannot sleep with your parents anymore. (That’s the rule, don’t look it up. You’ll just have to take my word for it.)

So while he was excited that there’s a day dedicated for him and all his wishes, a big part of him was also worried that he no longer gets to sleep with Mamma. (Mamma was equally unhappy by the way, it was Papa’s idea to enforce the rule, so he doesn’t get kicked in the shins every night.)

He woke up in the morning excited to turn 7, but he wanted to cuddle some more, because technically, he turned 7, and should not be sleeping with the parents.

“Today is my birthday” he declared coming down the stairs, to all of us – “so whatever I want gets done.”

He said he wanted to eat donuts for breakfast, and we readily obliged.

Everything about the day was great.

After an exhausting but wonderful birthday, DS was ready to retire.

“I am not going to send him to his room” I remarked to Ady. “It’s your idea, you deal with it.”

“Alright. I will.”

Ady was out of DS’s room in 10 minutes.

“What happened?” I asked.

“What? He’s fine. He’s following the rules.” He chuckled.

“My baby…”

“He’s a big boy”

It’s now been almost a week, and my rule-following baby boy came up to me to snuggle in the morning – “Mamma, can you write to the government that I can sleep with you?”

“Stay strong!” Ady urged me.

We shall see how this night goes.

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