The Perfect Place

Buying a house is a big deal - where ever you are. Unless of course, this is the twenty sixth one and you're just closing the deal on the next. It is a big deal, if it's still not your house number ten. So at least for the next ten years, it would still be a big deal to all of us. 

We're all growing up - and settling down. And an important aspect of settling down, is finding that right abode you would want to live most your life in. Now in our case, both Ady and I are nomads. We can't stay in one place for more than two years. That's why we've made so many weird investments and arbitrary decisions. But we're ok with our decisions and our weirdness.

But Sirisha and Suresh had wanted a house they could call their own, ever since they were married. With their jobs at different locations, different priorities, the dream seemed to elude them for sometime now. Until ofcourse, they found their perfect paradise just before the predicted Mayan destruction. They're optimists, the two of them and they went ahead with the purchase. Even if it was going to be the last day - they were determined they'd spend it in their own haven. 

And why not? It truly is a beautiful house and they've done a fabulous job finding the right decor too. 

To us friends, who were invited, it was a reunion of sorts. I never thought I'd ever meet so many of my under-grad friends together in one place after the farewell party. But this meeting by chance, was such a pleasant surprise! It was great meeting the buds with their better buds. Now all of them are married, with wonderful spouses. Some have kids. Looking back, going through all those ragging sessions in college, memorizing all those chemical equations, just to pass the exams, bunking classes and cramming for notes at the last minute left memorable moments. We may not have had all those moments back in discussion here, but we did have a glimmer of hope that we would be seeing a lot of each other soon and we could just pick it up from where we left it. 

Here's to great occasions, great memories, and great friends! Congrats once again guys, on finding your perfect place and making us a part of it! Loved the house.

1 comment:

  1. Wow as always beautiful narration!!! Mayan calendar comparision is very apt:-) Felt more happy reading the blog than finding the home!!!! Hope to catch up soon to continue our chit chat .....
