The mania that is Swift!

DD has been a Swiftie since she knew music. She would belch out all her songs, and we’d keep wondering where she’s heard these, as our home is almost exclusive to Indian music. 

Hearing her sing with such passion, we got her her own Alexa, so she could listen to all her favorite songs.

We knew she was obsessed with Swift, because her room had more pictures of Taylor than of herself or us (wishful thinking of course.) She never really outgrew the ‘phase’.  

DS knows what his sister’s favorite song of the season is, but he doesn’t really like Taylor Swift. She sings ‘too slow’ to his taste. He likes funky numbers he can dance to.

So this weekend, when the Era’s Tour was here in Singapore, naturally DD had to go. The excitement was palpable. She went with her friend of course, but the amount of preparation that went in - making bracelets, posters, buying the right outfit...I don't remember the last time, I had prepared so much. Child birth, may be?

I learnt so much about the Swift Culture. ‘The Mother’ as she is called. I will be honest, when DD said, "I have two mothers, one that gave birth to me, one that brought me up", I was shattered. While she did quickly added that I was also bringing her up, when she saw my shocked face, the damage had already been done.

DD had to do some last-minute shopping, so we hit the mall. The entire trip was a revelation to me.

I saw two girls who had this huge tag saying “F*ck the Patriarchy.” Not knowing that’s their mother’s song, I gave the girls two huge thumbs up in support – you know, feminism and women sticking together?

“Swiftie!!” the girls cheered.

“What?” I asked DD. “That’s her song, ma. It is amazing. You should hear it. She doesn't only sing about her boyfriends", DD knew what I thought about her. "She sings so many things, about the love for her mother, her best friend's son, about LGBTQ rights."

I actually did have tears in my eyes at this point. What sounded like a teen fest, suddenly felt a lot deeper, more meaningful.

I saw girls helping each other with the beads for the bracelets, giving compliments to each other. I saw the passion with which they were all planning for the concert.

“She’s not just a singer, ‘ma”, DD explained to me. “Her songs are meaningful, and relatable. There’s something in each song, that will resonate with you.”

DD in general is a very happy kid, so seeing her all excited about the concert wasn’t really surprising to me, but it’s the camaraderie that the girls shared, the enthusiasm with which everyone flew down to Singapore from all over the world, in fact, a friend of ours flew down all the way from Seattle too, that was so heartwarming.

I may not be a Swiftie, but I sure appreciate what the singer is doing to bring everyone together, in a kind and empathetic way. “Swifties help each other,” DD explained to me. “It’s like an invisible bond.”

“Mamma, since I always hear Dika listening to Taylor Swift, is she my mother also?”

“NO!” I instantly reacted. “Only I am your mother.” And I held him close to me. “But she can be an aunt to you.”

Image credit: DD

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